Architecting for system performance

Architecting for system performance

Architecting for system Performance

The Architecting for System Performance workshop addresses the architecting of business critical performance attributes of complex high tech systems. These attributes are generally time, resource and throughput related. The workshop is highly interactive and covers performance architecting from an external (market, business) and internal (design) perspective.

Participants will develop an open, reflective, critical and problem solving attitude and related skills. This will be combined with applying practical models and methods.

The workshop starts with a number of industrial examples to put performance architecting in the right context and discusses practical models and methods that are common to all classes of performance attributes (like modeling and budgeting). Next, the workshop will focus on time-oriented performance by discussing topics like resource management and scheduling. During the workshop, an integral team assignment from your own company will be carried out.

If needed parts of the workshop can be offered online to support learning in an efficient and effective way.

What will this workshop cover?

The overall goal of the workshop is to provide (system) architects with a thorough understanding and related skills regarding the architecting of business critical system performance attributes. At the end of this workshop, the participants will:

  • Understand the notion of system performance in its wider context;

  • Being able to reason about performance architecting from a marketing, business and design point of view;

  • Be able to apply methods and conceptual models for analyzing, designing and evaluating performance attributes.

The workshop starts with a number of industrial cases to put performance architecting in the right context and discusses practical models and methods that are common to all classes of performance attributes (like modeling and budgetting). Next, the workshop will focus on time-oriented performance by discussing topics like resource management and scheduling. During the workshop, an integral team assignment will be carried out based on an industrial case.

  • Course introduction

  • Managing system performance

  • Course didactics

  • Connecting breadth and depth

  • Performance Modeling

  • Level of Abstraction

  • Visualizing Dynamic Behavior

  • Emerging Behaviour

  • Budgeting

  • Modeling paradigms

  • Aplications and variations

  • Model analysis

  • Reasoning Approach

  • Defining Performance

  • Measuring Performance

  • Resource Management

  • Greedy and Lazy Pattern

  • Scheduling

  • Robust Performance

  • Bloating, waste, and value
