ESI symposium 2017

ESI symposium 2017

Theme: Managing complexity

Managing complexityin embedded systems engineering

High-tech industry is facing the major challenge of dealing with the ever increasing complexity of their systems. To reflect this, we have chosen the theme “managing complexity” for our symposium this year. We are proud to present a rich program delivered by the industrial and academic eco-system of ESI. We will present and discuss a range of methodologies and solutions addressing various aspects of complexity, all results from the research projects with our partners.

During the day, you will hear about new approaches to system architecting in the early phases of system design and even earlier in the design phase, the fuzzy front-end. The program also covers new techniques to optimally combine data and knowledge and how to deal with system security when everything becomes connected. In addition you will hear about and have the opportunity to discuss the impact of the increasing use of open-source software in product designs.

A complimentary track will address the consequences of all of these developments on the future of competence development in industry. Our two workshops dive into powerful new methodologies for complex high-tech system design, while at the innovation market we and our ecosystem have on show some of the latest results. Finally, we are delighted to introduce our two keynote speakers Dinesh Verma and Paul Hilkens.


Frans Beenker and Wouter Leibbrandt, ESI


From complexity to simplicity

Dinesh Verma

Professor of Systems Engineering, School of Systems and Enterprises (SSE), Stevens Institute of Technology; Executive Director, Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC)

Complex to complicated
An appropriate and timeless (partial) evolution

There is a near unanimous agreement within the systems community of the increasing complexity that we have to address as modern society becomes increasingly intertwined with technology – in just about every dimension – transportation, energy, healthcare, and just day to day life.

As engineers, grappling with such socio-technical systems we have to develop strategies and approaches, and perhaps new mental models, that allow us to deal with this complexity. I will try to summarize such strategies and approaches, and perhaps outline areas where additional research could provide significant value.

Embracing complexity in the system challenge

Paul Hilkens

Océ-Technologies, Vice President Research and Development

Océ Technologies is active in print and document management products and services for professional environments. As with many other high-tech companies, continuous and effective innovation is key for Océ. Market requirements and technological capabilities change rapidly and Océ is in a market of high quality, high reliability products with fierce competition. Development effectiveness is therefore a must and to thrive in the industry it is vital to outsmart others. The industrial print systems have become so complex that the system insights and understandings can only be handled by larger teams. Dealing with the cross disciplinary nature of system design therefore means taking the right system decisions on basis of well-performed trade-offs over disciplines, taking into account aligned and balanced contributions from all involved persons. Dealing with uncertainty, team communication, knowing the unknown, modelling, personal skills and personal ambitions all form part of being smart.

Océ experience will be used to explain the approach towards realizing the ambition to become “the smartest group of people” in developing professional printing systems.

S1: The fuzzy front-end of product development

Chair: Guy Van Wijmeersch, Barco

  • Introduction - Guy Van Wijmeersch, Barco

  • Wim Vandamme, Barco

  • Mark de Wit, Philips

Facilitator: Gerrit Muller, ESI

The start of innovative products suffers from too little knowledge of many aspects, ranging from market and users to technical feasibility and finally to life-cycle needs. The uncertainty and ambiguity that dominates during this phase require a development approach supporting the team in learning fast. Agile with fast iterations, design thinking, human centered design, and conceptual modelling are examples of approaches facilitating fast learning.

S2: Security: impact on connected systems

Chair: Jimmy Troost, HTSM Security

  • Introduction - Jimmy Troost, HTSM Security

  • Thomas Quillinan, Thales

  • Timo van Roermund, NXP

Facilitator: Wouter Leibbrandt, ESI

Cyber physical systems are now routinely connected to the world at large. With that, security against cyber-attacks has become a crucial quality and base requirement of CPS. This calls for security-by-design at the system level. Among others, in the overall system architecture, one needs to understand the impact and trade-off with other system qualities, such as performance, functional safety and robustness. In this session we will discuss how to make system security an integral part of system engineering by considering real-life cases.

S3: Open source software for product development

Chair: Dirk-Jan Swagerman (Philips)

  • Introduction: Dirk-Jan Swagerman, Philips

  • Carl-Eric Mols, Sony Mobile Communications

  • René van Hees, Thales

Facilitator: Benny Akesson, ESI

The adoption of open-source software is increasing tremendously. This raises important concerns about security, liability, and maintenance that must be addressed not only technically, but also from an organizational point-of-view. This session focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of open-source software in product development from the perspective of different companies in different application domains and discusses how their technology, business and organization is impacted by this trend.

S4: System architecting of complex systems

Chair: Raymond Tinsel, DAF Trucks

  • Introduction: Raymond Tinsel, DAF Trucks

  • Richard Doornbos, ESI

  • Bruno van Wijngaarden, Vanderlande

Facilitator: Teun Hendriks, ESI

System architecting of complex systems typically engages multiple architects and domain experts to transform a business strategy into a fitting solution architecture. The effective shaping of system propositions needs a shared understanding across disciplines and stakeholders, and consistency in architectural reasoning and in focus over time. This track explores system architecting strategies and methods to structure and improve collaboration, communication, and guidance for (teams of) system architects and their stakeholders.

S5: Interplay of data and knowledge in system analysis

Chair: Robert-Jan van Wijk, ASML

  • Introduction: Robert-Jan van Wijk, ASML

  • Michael Borth, ESI

  • Peter Mas, Siemens

Facilitator: Emile van Gerwen, ESI

Nowadays a fleet of operational systems collects and processes huge amounts of data. Unlike the “data only” approach of online services using big data, cyber physical systems typically need explicit domain models to be effective. This session explores the reinforcing effect of combining data, models, and simulation.

S6: The future of learning in high-tech industry

Chair: Mireille Merx, Océ

  • Introduction: Mireille Merx, Océ

  • Frank Klap, LVNL

  • Joris van den Aker, ESI

Facilitator: Laura van Veen, ESI

To deal with increasing complexity the engineering community adopts new and powerful approaches, methods, and tools such as virtual development environments, model driven engineering, and domain specific languages. However, the tool trap, with more focus on what and how instead of why, is just around the corner. What are the consequences of these developments for the future of competence development in high-tech industry.
In this session we will invite speakers from outside high-tech industry, operating in highly complex environments. What is their vision on the future of competence development? What can high-tech industry learn from them?

W1.1: Interactive workshop on domain specific languages (DSLs)

Chair: Arjan Mooij (ESI)

  • Introduction: Arjan Mooij, ESI

  • Kristina Sevo, Philips Lighting

  • Mathijs Schuts, Philips

The participants discuss their expectations and experiences with domain specific languages. In particular we will position DSLs in the field of model-based engineering and look at some industrial DSLs.

W2: Performance architecting and engineering

Chair: Jacques Verriet, ESI

  • Introduction: Jacques Verriet, ESI

  • Jeroen Voeten, ESI

  • Twan Basten, TU/e

The participants discuss current and future industrial challenges in performance engineering. We will match these with TNO-ESI’s knowledge base and discuss research challenges and training opportunities.