Bits & Chips event
Date: October 14, 2021
Venue: Evoluon, Eindhoven (NL)
... a post-corona reunion in real life.
Starting and scaling in high tech
Co-creating high-tech systems
Innovating during and after corona
Maarten Dirkzwager, executive vice president and chief strategy officer at NXP: "Trends in the chip industry"
Hamed Sadeghian, CEO and co-founder of Nearfield Instrument: "Challenges of scaling up in the semiconductor industry"
Track with ESI: Managing complexity in high-tech systems
Together with Bits&Chips, we are setting up a presentation track on managing complexity, including the following talks:
Wouter Leibbrandt (ESI): Embedding systems engineering innovations into the high-tech industry
René van Hees (Thales): How ‘always on’ must be designed into systems (of systems)
Raymond Rosmalen (ITEC/Nexperia): Software refactoring and rejuvenation based on automatic code-transformation
Dennis Hendriks (ESI): Software behavior – change impact analysis and model learning
Leonardo Barbini & Emile van Gerwen (ESI): Diagnosis and health assessment for zero unscheduled downtime