Keynote lectures

Keynote lectures

Presentation pdf's are available below

Academic keynote
Humanising systems – designing in complex times

Dr.Ir. Mieke van der Bijl-Brouwer, Delft University of Technology

Many of today’s societal challenges are symptoms of complex systems that are unable to adapt to a continuously changing society. While technical products and systems are crucial in tackling these challenges, they need to be accompanied by and adjusted to innovations for social systems such as teams, organizations, or communities. While social systems share similarities with technical systems in some aspects, they also possess unique and distinctively human characteristics. This requires a design process fundamentally different from that applied to technical systems.

In this talk, Dr.Ir. Mieke van der Bijl-Brouwer, will share a complex and human perspective on social systems and explain how we can shift such systems by means of ‘systemic design’. She will introduce an innovative approach that addresses people’s needs, aspirations, relationships, creativity, and beliefs, aiming to humanize systems. The practice will be illustrated with examples from case studies of social innovation and design practice. Mieke will conclude with a discussion of how we might bring the worlds of high-tech systems engineering and social innovation closer together in a transdisciplinary innovation practice.

Dr.Ir. Mieke van der Bijl-Brouwer, Delft University of Technology

Industrial keynote
Augment ME! Elevate Your Possible, Rediscover Ourselves

Jeannine Peek, Capgemini Nederland, Dutch Topsector ICT

From generative AI to spatial experiences, edge devices, quantum computing and autonomous systems: technology bears the promise to augment our personal lives, our work lives, and our businesses. It is a catalyst for the dual transition towards a digital and sustainable economy, aiming for objectives we may have deemed impossible before. However, with everything ‘virtual, ‘synthetic’, and ‘artificial’ the critical question arises where it all leaves us, both as individuals and as organizations with a purpose. Might our exploration of breakthrough, augmenting technologies actually be about rediscovering ourselves?

Jeannine Peek, Capgemini Nederland, Dutch Topsector ICT

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