

The next step in utilizing high-tech systems data


React to Effects Fast by Learning, Evaluation, and eXtracted InformatiON

Reflexion project aims at supporting the emerging high-tech industry paradigm shift from selling ‘boxes’ to supporting ‘integrated solutions’, by using operational data to improve the development lifecycles, maintenance and troubleshooting of products. This leads to faster time-to-market, lower costs and greater competitiveness.

Reflexion objectives are
  • Reacting to unforeseen problems or emerging needs in a speedy and cost-effective way by augmenting products with an introspective layer of data sensing and data analytics.

  • Thereby creating value out of the high-tech system’s operational data which for now is still characterized by legacy choices on infrastructural and analytical approaches.

  • Propagating this knowledge (automatically) back into the product development lifecycle and the service & maintenance flow.

Reflextion publications
Keywords Source Date Involved partners Contact
Reflexion project success "Er is data genoeg, maar er wordt weinig mee gedaan" , ProcessControl #6 2019 TNO Bas Huijbrechts
Semantic search engine Corrado Grappiolo, Emile van Gerwen, Jack Verhoosel, Lou Somers. "The Semantic Snake Charmer Search Engine, a Tool to Facilitate Data Science in High-tech Industry Domains". Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval. Demonstration paper. demo March 2019 TNO Corrado Grappiolo
Probabilistic string clustering Eline Verwielen, Corrado Grappiolo, Nils Noorman, Kuno Huisman. "The Growing N-Gram Algorithm: A Novel Approach to String Clustering". Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods. February 2019 TNO Corrado Grappiolo
Transition system visualization Dennis van der Werf. "Visualizing Symbolic Transition Systems". Master Thesis, University of Amsterdam, 2018. July 2018 Axini Machiel van de Bijl
Process mining for testing Aswathy George. "Process Mining in Model Based Testing", Master Thesis, University of Amsterdam, 2018. July 2018 Axini Machiel van de Bijl
Test cases grouping Martijn Willensen. "Improving Diagnosis by Grouping Test Cases to Reduce Complexity", Master Thesis, University of Twente, 2018 July 2018 Axini Machiel van de Bijl
Bearing fault Detection Paulo Sousa, "Bearing fault detection: a feature-based approach", MSc Thesis, Univ. Porto (FEUP), 2018. June 2018 Siemens Industry Software Bram Cornelis
Fleet-based fault detection Hendrickx, Kilian & Meert, Wannes & Cornelis, Bram & Janssens, Karl & Gryllias, Konstantinos & Davis, Jesse. "A fleet-wide approach for condition monitoring of similar machines using time-series clustering". International Conference on Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-stationary Operations (CMMNO2018), 2018. June 2018 Siemens Industry Software Bram Cornelis
Ontology evaluation Kambiz Sekandar. "A quality measure for automatic ontology evaluation and improvement". Master thesis, Utrecht University, 2018. June 2018 TNO Jan Verhoosel
Probabilistic string clustering Eline Verwielen. "Growing N-grams: a probabilistic approach to string clustering". Master thesis, Tilburg University, 2018. March 2018 TNO Corrado Grappiolo
The value of exploiting data ITEA Magazine #29 March 2018 TNO Bas Huijbrechts
Smart high-tech system-diagnostics with operational data Yonghui Li, Marina Velikova, Emile van Gerwen, Martijn Hendriks, Michael Borth, Koen Kanters. "Demonstrator of high-tech system-diagnostics with operational data". ICT.OPEN 2018. March 2018 TNO Bas Huijbrechts
Data mining for condition monitoring Sander Castermans, "Data mining techniques for machine/vehicle condition monitoring", MSc Thesis, KU Leuven, 2017. June 2017 Siemens Industry Software Bram Cornelis
Simulation-driven machine learning Cameron Sobie and Carina Freitas and Mike Nicolai. "Simulation-driven machine learning: Bearing fault classification". Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, pp 403-419, 2018 March 2017 Siemens Industry Software Cameron Sobie
Data-science, een kwestie van goed samenwerken Joost Janse. "Data-science, een kwestie van goed samenwerken". Bits&Chips, July 2016. July 2016 Océ Joost Janse
Reflexion partners
Reflexion Partner Achievement Contact
TNO System-data demonstrator: industrial showcases of how operational data adds value to high-tech industry. Bas Huijbrechts
SynerScope First market releases of SynerScope's Ixiwa and Iximeer products suite: quickly navigate, search, link and improve structured and unstructured data; explore all dimensions of the data at once. Jorik Blaas
Yazzoom Extension of the Yazzoom Yanomaly big data platform for anomaly detection on machine generated data & Yasense virtual sensor tool suite. David Verstraeten
Axini Extension of the Axini TestManager user profile driven MBT engine prototype, generating testcases following the same distribution & characteristics of real users interacting with the system. Machiel Van der Bijl
Barco Developed and released Nexxis Care Plan, Barco's web portal for its distributors, resellers and system integrators to manage their installed Barco products. Wim Sandra
Philips Developed new Image Guided Therapy system verification processes using model-based testing incorperating usage models learnt from field log data by applying machine learning techniques. Rob Ekkel
Philips Developed and released a data analysis framework which collects & visualizes machine data of the fleet of operational MRI systems, supporting services incl. MRI system dashboards for commercial customers. Mark van Helvoort
Océ Developed the Optimal Diagnostic Analysis System (ODAS) data infrastructure tool suite to support data analytics using Python Jupyter Notebooks for R&D engineering community. Lou Somers
Siemens ISW Developed and validated a methodology to train machine learning algorithms with simulation-generated data for conditional monitoring of machines. Bram Cornelis
all partners 25 data science specialists (FTEs) were employed by the consortium partners to work on operational data roadmap activities as a direct result of the project activities. Bas Huijbrechts
Axini, SynerScope, Yazzoom 10 commercial tool set releases including - in the project developed - generic purpose data visualization, analytics and MBT functionality to be applied in an industrial setting directly resulted from the Reflexion project activities. Bas Huijbrechts