Execution architecture analysis

Execution architecture analysis

Visualising the dynamic behaviour of software

The dynamic behavior of software is influenced by a number of important factors, e.g., actual usage of the system, speed of the hardware, response times of various input/output devices, availability of system resources, etc. Predicting and analyzing the system behavior is a very difficult task.

Execution architecture analysis (EAA) is a structured method which shows the designer several behavioral aspects, at a customizable level of detail. These include which functions are being executed, how often functions are executed, as well as function duration, critical dependencies and waiting times for shared resources. With the insight gained from the analysis, designers can highlight and eliminate bottlenecks, conflicts and unnecessary waiting times.

EAA is a valuable tool for quickly finding root causes of undesirable system behavior during the design and test phases of product development.

Method description
  1. Determine desired behavioural information

  2. Select execution scenarios

  3. Execute system to create logs

  4. Map user tasks onto log information

  5. Generate appropriate visualisation from extracted information

Additional information