Eclipse Supervisory Control Engineering Toolkit
The Eclipse Supervisory Control Engineering Toolkit (Eclipse ESCET™) supports a Synthesis-Based Engineering (SBE) approach for the development of supervisory controllers, which combines model-driven engineering with computer-aided design. The ESCET toolkit features the CIF language and tools, which provide:
A powerful declarative automata-based modeling language for the specification of discrete event, timed and hybrid systems.
An extensive toolset that supports the entire development process of controllers, including among others specification, supervisory controller synthesis, simulation-based validation and visualization, verification, real-time testing, and code generation.
A Synthesis-Based Engineering (SBE) approach that enables automatic generation of correct-by-construction supervisory controller models and implementations.
Main benefits
Raise the abstraction level, by focusing on the essentials: a clear and explicit description of what the controller should do (the requirements and validation) rather than how it should do it (the controller design and implementation).
Model-driven engineering and computer-aided design help to tackle the increasing complexity of supervisory controllers: automatically detect issues such as conflicting requirements, perform early validation and verification (shift-left), synthesize correct-by-construction controllers for every configuration and scenario, and generate implementations for various platforms and languages.
Hyper-automation shortens the development cycle, and reduces effort and costs. Re-synthesis upon changes enables incremental engineering, prevents mundane work, and eases evolution.
CIF has been developed by the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) since 2006. Since 2020 it is part of the Eclipse ESCET open-source project at the Eclipse Foundation. A growing community of researchers, users and tool vendors – including TNO-ESI – collaborate in an open setting on further innovations and adoption of the SBE approach and ESCET toolkit.