


European Initiative to Enable Validation for Highly Automated Safe and Secure Systems

ENABLE-S3 is industry-driven and aspires to substitute today’s cost-intensive verification and validation efforts for more advanced and efficient methods in order to pave the way for the commercialization of highly-automated cyber physical-systems (ACPS).

ESI Focus

In the Enable-S3 project, virtualization for testing has been investigated. Our research focuses on the domain of health. Virtual testing must be part of the process of product creation.

Industrial Case : Philips Azurion with FlexArm

With the introduction of new functions and semi-autonomous movements, medical equipment is becoming increasingly complex. The verification and validation efforts for medical equipment are increasing at a corresponding rate. The industry trend towards series-of-one products ensures that a wide range of product configurations must be tested and validated. The related costs are increasing considerably. In order to maintain the benefits, the development and maintenance of virtual components must be geared towards the development of regular components.

Visualisation of the Digital Twin
Enable-S3 book

The Enable-S3 project resulted, amongst other things, in a book summarizing the overall project results. The final chapter of the book contains part of the work in the health domain.

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