Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Groups

Special interest groups (SIGs) are professional communities defined around specific professional topics. They are mainly populated by industrial engineers from a broad variety of companies, but also some academics participate.

Sharing with peers for continuous improvement

Sharing know-how and expertise in an open innovation structure is a cornerstone of the ESI way of working. This approach leads to faster and more efficient build-up of knowledge and capabilities, with benefits to all parties. Currently ESI manages and facilitates the following Special Interest Groups.

System Architect Forum (SAF)

A platform focused on practical systems architecting and the application of architectural information and knowledge. The Forum meets twice a year on an invite-only basis. It is jointly organized by ESI, Buskerud University College and Stevens Institute of Technology.

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System Architect Study Group (SASG)

The system architecture study group (SASG) is an active group of over 160 system architects from multiple companies. Members exchange their experiences during regular meetings on system/software architecture. Goal is to disseminate system/software architecture knowledge and best practices between the members, particularly for embedded systems and software or technology intensive systems, and to provide a platform for individual contacts between the members.

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SIG System Performance

In the SIG System Performance, we focus on system performance engineering, with performance measured in production speed of products of a predefined quality. We aim to have 3 or 4 sessions a year with around 15/20 participants from the different ESI partners, both from industry and academia. In each session we focus on a specific topic and discuss challenges, solutions, and best practices to learn from each other and identify follow-ups.

System Innovation Circle – human touch in a high-tech setting

Bringing together a group of 8-12 experienced system level architects and managers from different companies in a closed and informal setting. Goal is to learn from each other by focusing on personal challenges and dilemmas related to daily work. The System Innovation Circle is organized on a yearly basis and consists of an individual intake, joint kick -off and four 24-hour sessions organized in an inspirational environment.

System Integration & Test

An active group of around 40 senior experts and managers in the field of system integration & test from 10 different companies. The group meets five times a year at one of the participating companies. Participating companies are all OEM’s or System Integrators. Trends, developments, challenges and solutions are shared and discussed in a casual manner. By connecting the network and sharing good practices with each other ESI strengthens the discipline of system integration and test and creates insight in future needs.

Special Interest Group on maintenance and rejuvenation

The SIG supports the industrial community of maintainers and rejuvenators, by sharing experiences, both failures and successes, to clarify the necessary skills and capabilities, to sharpen their roles and responsibilities, and to strengthen their expertise.